Best Small Home Business Ideas with Low Investment Budget

Having little to no money does not have to prevent you from becoming an entrepreneur. But, it certainly limits your options. Some business ideas simply require a significant capital investment before yielding any profit.

For example, if you want to create an artificial intelligence implementation company without having tons of cash as a backup, you might want to rethink your decision. On the other hand, providing nangs delivery Melbourne or selling handcrafted goods online should be in the realm of your possibilities — even if you do not possess considerable funds.

If you are in the dark about low-cost business ideas that you could pursue, we have something for you. Below, you will find a list of the best ideas that come with low investment costs. They range from house and pet sitting to more immense projects like starting a dropshipping business or creating an online course.

Join us as we go through these ideas one by one to determine which of them suits you best!

Sell Handcrafted Goods Online

First of all, if you are a talented artist or crafter, selling your creations online could be a great idea. Not only will you get to work on what you love the most, but you will also earn a profit at the same time.

There is no need for any sophisticated equipment to get started. You can take photos of your crafts on a regular camera and edit them with free image editing software. Then, write a catchy description accompanied by an attractive price tag, and you are done!

If you already have an Etsy shop and want to use it for this purpose, great! If not, then set up an online shop on websites like Shopify or Big Cartel that offer a convenient platform that you might access for a certain fee. Once you start getting orders, fulfill them and ship the products to your customers.

Start a Drop-Shipping Business

Dropshipping is one of the most popular and easiest businesses that you could start with little to no money. Nevertheless, it will not work for everyone.

Dropshipping entails selling physical or digital products that are stored in a warehouse and shipped to your customers based on their orders. It means that dropshipping is a business model in which you never have to carry any inventory. Instead, you sell products that are already in stock at a third-party supplier.

When someone buys from you, you simply notify the supplier, who ships the product to your customer on your behalf. In other words, you act as a middleman between the supplier and the end customer, shielding yourself from financial risks. This way, you do not need to worry about warehousing, packaging, or shipping — which are all significant costs in the eCommerce industry.

If you want to pursue this business model, there are some things that you should keep in mind:

  • Research — finding a trustworthy supplier and setting up a website are integral parts of this business. Without doing these things properly, you might end up losing money due to fraudulent activity.
  • Finances — the majority of dropshipping businesses do not require you to pay for any products upfront, but you will have to cover the costs of your website, marketing materials, and advertising.
  • Marketing — building traffic to your website is vital if you want to find success in this business model. You will most likely have to invest in paid traffic or use Facebook ads.

Create an Online Course

If you are an expert in one or more fields, this business idea could be the one for you. You will not have to worry about setting up your own physical shop, paying for a storefront, or any other expenses that often go along with traditional businesses.

The main advantage of this business model is that it is possible to operate it from anywhere in the world. While you are still connected to the internet, you can deliver valuable information to people who are interested in learning from you.

Consider selling your online course via platforms like Udemy or Skillshare. You can also build your own website and market your courses there. Creating an online course requires very little investment — you only need to invest your time in developing the content. Moreover, once the course is created, you can sell it multiple times and generate passive income.

Start a House or Pet-Sitting Business

If you love spending time with animals and do not mind living in someone else’s house for a while, starting a house or pet sitting business could be an excellent option for you. This type of business is usually the first one that comes to mind when you are thinking about working from home and having a business with low startup and operating costs.

All you need is a house or a place for clients to place their pets, some customer-friendly communication skills, and solid marketing knowledge.

Once you have these elements covered, all you need to do is:

  • Set up your website or find an appropriate advertising platform to make sure that potential customers will know where to find your service.
  • Start advertising your services.
  • Respond to requests that you receive.

Since most people who seek house or pet-sitting services do not want to go through complicated procedures, all you have to do is meet them at their residence and take care of their pet. Once you get a gig, take care of the pets and the property as if they were your own.


Starting a business is not only about having a good idea. It is about taking action and seeing it through to the end. Once you are committed, nothing should stop you from accomplishing your goals.

If you are looking for inspiration on how to get your first business up and running, this article is for you. We have covered a variety of industries and business ideas — each with its own challenges and rewards.

Before you decide which one best suits your skills, interests, or passions, think long and hard about what it takes to start a business in your area of expertise; after all, you need to know whether the idea is viable and whether you can follow through with it.